
I’m a journalist and photographer based in Mexico City. A Latin America expert for publications like T: The New York Times Style Magazine, Vogue, and Travel + Leisure, my favorite assignments include documenting the wilds of northern Chile and exploring new high-altitude paths through the Andes Mountains of Peru.  

When I’m not on the road, I’m usually reporting on Mexico City’s vibrant art and design scene. Though journalism takes precedent in my life, I’m also a freelance and creative writing teacher, a poet, and a photographer. I also just penned my debut fiction novel: a thriller exploring the intersection of architecture and shamanism in Mexico City. My philosophy in life: there’s no end to the creativity within us if we stay open to the beauty of the world.


My Journey to Freelance Writing


For as long as I can remember, I always knew I wanted to be a writer. As a child, I read almost a book a week, and I even wrote an essay when I was 14 that described my future career as a foreign correspondent. Though my path did change a little, there was a deep part of me that always knew I was put on this Earth to share stories.

After working in the travel industry in New York for several years, I left my cozy office job to travel the globe as a freelance writer and journalist for some of the world’s top publications, including T: The New York Times Style Magazine, Condé Nast Traveler, National Geographic, and more.

My chosen career path has taken me to many places. I’ve witnessed how Botswana revived Africa's largest mammal migration. I’ve walked deep into the Amazon jungle with a medicine man to explore plant medicine. I’ve kayaked with Orca whales off the coast of British Columbia. And so much more.

Though journalism takes precedent in my life, I’m also a writing coach, a budding novelist, a student of Ayurveda, a poet and a photographer. I believe there’s no end to the creativity within us if we stay open to where life can take us.

As a guest of the Genius Womxn podcast, I shared more about my path into the world of freelance writing. Click the link below to learn more!



Thank you for your interest in my work! With over a decade of experience in print and digital media, I'm available for speaking engagements including conferences and podcasts.

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